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Bunu yeteri kadar tekrar ettikysek artık bunun ses kaydını alabiliriz. Aldığınız kaydı bana aşağıdaki bölümden iletebilirsiniz.

The single most common cause of high blood pressure is the deficiency in the mineral magnesium!




Yeah… it's interesting how that works, right , you have two types of blood vessels in the human body; you have arteries and you have veins.


Arteries carry blood away from the heart, veins carry blood back to the heart.


What's the difference? Well there's one significant difference between the two;

Arteries have muscles, veins do not.


Why does an artery have muscle? Because God is smart.


So when the heart pumps blood out of the heart it goes into the artery and the muscle in the artery constricts and relaxes in order to help the heart pump the blood, fascinating mechanism!


Like a snake crawling down the street,  the artery constricts and relaxes constricts and relaxes in order to help the heart pump the blood that's fantastic.


Well how does the muscle constrict and relax? The same way that a bicep constricts and relax or any muscle in the body…


It's done through magnesium and calcium. If you do not have enough magnesium the muscle will constrict but it cannot relax so it stays constricted.


Now if you have a garden hose and there's water coming out of it and you squeeze the hose just a little bit the water comes out faster, right?


It's cuz you decrease the volume the pressure goes up so when the artery gets collapsed because of not enough magnesium the blood pressure spikes.


So you don't have high blood pressure… Blood Presuure

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